Sunday, July 22, 2007

Power Outages Suck!

I haven't been on a computer in 3 days. We had a huge storm move through very quickly Thursday afternoon and leave in its wake many downed trees, alot of debris and widespread power outages -- including ours. A tornado was reported to the southeast of us and I think there was a wind shear, because our neighbors across the street had 4 trees and/or their larger branches sliced off at exactly the same height.

Our power was out from 3:35 Thursday afternoon until about 4:00 today (Sunday).

Here's what I learned from the 3-day experience:
  • Living without electricity, telephones, refrigerator (you can't open it, in order to save the cold) or water (NO TOILETS!) really sucks!
  • Detroit Edison doesn't give realistic time estimates for repair
  • Detroit Edison never tells the caller what happened or why the power is still out
  • There are lots of people in Meijer at 12:30 on Friday night (especially when Harry Potter is released)
  • One cannot find gallon jugs of water anywhere when there are power outages
  • It takes 25 bottles of water to fill the holding tank on a toilet
  • If one eats enough junk food in a 3 day period, one gets sick of it
  • There is a God and He has a sense of humor -- Jim left on a golf outing early Friday morning and is getting back tonight and missed the whole thing!

    Thanks for visiting!
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